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    1. Limiting values of Poisson's ratio are :

    a) -1 and 0.5
    b) -1 and -0.5
    c) 1 and -0.5
    d) 0 and 0.5

    2. Proof resilience is the maximum energy stored at:

    a) Limit of proportionality
    b) Elastic limit
    c) Plastic limit
    d) None of these

    3.The specimen in a Charpy impact test is supported as a :

    a) Cantilever beam
    b) Simply supported beam
    c) Fixed beam
    d) Continuous beam

    4. The limit of Poisson's ratio is

    a) 0.25
    b) 0.15
    c) 0.50
    d) 0.65

    5. A square block is subjected to a state of simple shear. The linear strain of the diagonal shall be equal to :

    a) Two times the shear strain
    b) The shear strain
    c) Half the shear strain
    d) One-fourth the shear strain

    6. The relation between Young's modulus (E) and modulus of rigidity (N). is given as

    a) E = 3N(1 + μ)
    b) E = 2N(1 - μ)
    c) E = 2N(1 + μ)
    d) E = 3N(1 - 2μ)

    7. If 'P' is the tensile stress in a rectangular bar of length 'L' with 'b' and thickness 'd', the volumetric strain is given as :

    a) P(1 + 2μ)/E
    b) PL (1 - 2μ)/bd
    c) P(1 - 2μ)
    d) P(1 - 2μ)/E

    8. The property of a material by which it can be drawn into smaller section by application of tension is called

    a) Plasticity
    b) Ductility
    c) Elasticity
    d) Malleability

    9. Every material obeys Hooke's laws within its:

    a) Elastic limit
    b) Plastic limit
    c) Limit of proportionality
    d) None of these

    10. If a uniform bar is supported at one end in a vertical direction and loaded at the bottom end by a load equal to the weight of the bar, the strain energy as compared to that due to self weight will be:

    a) Same
    b) Half
    c) Twice
    d) (d) Thricoe

    11. The relation between young's modulus(E) and modulus of rigidity(N) is given as:

    a) E = 2N (1 + 1 m )

    b) E = 2N (1 - 1 m )

    c) None of these

    12. The % of elongation of the piece under tension indicates its:

    a) Brittleness
    b) Malleability
    c) Stiffness
    d) Ductility

    13. The ratio between stress and strain is called

    a) Modulus of elasticity
    b) Modulus of rigidity
    c) Bulk modulus
    d) None of these

    14. Ductility of which of the following is the maximum?

    a) Mild Steel
    b) Cast iron
    c) Wrought iron
    d) Pig iron

    15. Strain energy stored in a solid is given as :

    a) σ x ε x volume
    b) σ x ε x area of cross section
    c) 0.5 x σ x ε x l
    d) 0.5 x σ x ε x volume

    16. The modulus of elasticity of steel is :

    a) 2 x 104 MPa
    b) 1.2 x 105 MPa
    c) 2 x 105 MPa
    d) 2 x 103 MPa

    17. The relation between Young's modulus, E, shear modulus G, and Poisson's ratio, V is given by:

    a) G = E 2(1 + V)

    b) E = G 2(1 + V)

    c) G = E 2(1 - V)

    d) E = G 2(1 + V)

    18. The maximum numerical value of Poisson's ratio is:

    a) 0
    b) 0.25
    c) 0.50
    d) 1

    19. Identify the erroneous statement, mild steel :

    a) Has two yield points.
    b) ls a ductile material
    c) Has small percent elongation at failure
    d) Shows strain hardening

    20. The modulus of elasticity of steel is-ore than of concrete· It indicates that steel is.

    a) Less elastic
    b) More elastic
    c) More plastic
    d) Less plastic

    21. The working stress of a material is expected to be

    a) Equal to ultimate stress
    b) Equal to yield stress
    c) Less than yield stress
    d) More than yield stress

    22. A material is called ductile if it:

    a) Has little plastic elongation range
    b) Has long plastic elongation range
    c) Could be hammered into a very thin sheet
    d) Shows large elastic strain

    23. Poisson's ratio is defined as:

    a) Longitudinal strain / lateral strain
    b) Lateral strain / longitudinal strain
    c) Lateral strain x longitudinal strain
    d) 1/2 (Lateral strain / longitudinal strain)

    24. The ratio of normal stress to volumetric strain is defined as:

    a) Young's modulus
    b) Bulk modulus
    c) Rigidity modulus
    d) Tangent modulus

    25. Modulus of rigidity is expressed as:

    a) Compressive stress / Compressive strain
    b) Tensile stress / shear strain
    c) Shear stress / shear strain
    d) Stress / volumetric strain

    26. The ability of a material to absorb strain energy till the elastic limit is known as:

    a) Resilience
    b) Ductility
    c) Elasticity
    d) Malleability

    27. Which of following is least elastic?

    a) Silver
    b) Rubber
    c) Iron
    d) Copper

    28. A bar, L meter long and having its area of cross-section A, is subjected to gradually applied tensile load W. The strain energy stored in the bar is given by:

    a) W2L / AE
    b) W2L / 2AE
    c) WL / 2AE
    d) WL / AE

    29. Hooke's law is valid up to:

    a) Limit of proportionality
    b) ultimate point
    c) Elastic limit
    d) Yield point

    30. For a beam caarying a uniformly distributed load, the strain energy will be maximum in case the beam is:

    a) Propped cantilever
    b) Fixed at both ends
    c) Cantilever
    d) Simply supported

    31. The ability of a material to absorb energy till the breaking or rupture takes place is known as:

    a) Hardness
    b) Toughness
    c) Brittleness
    d) Softness

    32. Which of the following is a dimensionless quantity?

    a) Shear Force
    b) Stress
    c) Strain
    d) Modulus of elasticity

    33. The ratio of normal stress to normal strain within elastic limit is called

    a) Young's modulus
    b) Shear modulus
    c) Poisson ratio
    d) Bulk modulus

    34. The property of a material by which it gets permanent deformation under a load which isnot recovered after removal of load is called:

    a) Elasticity
    b) Plasticity
    c) Brittleness
    d) Ductility

    35. A linear force-deformation relation is obtained in materials:

    a) Having elastic stress-strain Property.
    b) Having plastic stress-strain Property.
    c) Following Hooke's law
    d) Which are rigid elastic materials

    36. The Property of a material by which it can be beaten or rolled into plates, is called:

    a) Malleability
    b) Ductility
    c) Elasticity
    d) Plasticity

    37. Strain energy due to sudden axial load is given by


    38. Total number of elastic constant of an isotropic material are

    a) 9
    b) 2
    c) 3
    d) 21

    39. Creep of a material is

    a) Not being ductile
    b) To become brittle
    c) Continued deformation with time under sustained loading
    d) Disappearance of deformation on removal of load

    40. Which of the following is a relatively ductile material ?

    a) Mild Steel
    b) Cast iron
    c) Bronze
    d) High carbon steel

    41. In Brinell hardness test, the type of indentor used is

    a) Mild steel ball
    b) Diamond cone
    c) Hard steel cone
    d) Hard steel ball